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What is the Chapter 688 referral process?

Only the student’s local school district can make a Chapter 688 referral. It is typically made by the Special Education Director or his/her designee, who may be a special education teacher or transition coordinator, to the appropriate state agency. The 688 referral must be made while the student is still in school. It is strongly recommended that the 688 referral be made at least two years prior to high school graduation or turning 22 in order to provide adequate planning for adult services, including applying for adult agency eligibility, if necessary. The 688 referral form requires the signature of the student (if 18 or older) or the parent/guardian before it is submitted to the state agency. The need for a Chapter 688 referral is usually discussed at the student’s IEP meeting. Based on the student’s identified needs, the local school district will send the 688 referral to the appropriate state agency that can best meet those needs, referred to as the Transitional Agency. If the school district cannot identify an appropriate agency, the 688 referral is sent to the Bureau of Transitional Planning (BTP) at the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EHS). The BTP will then designate a Transitional Agency. This state agency is responsible for developing the student’s Individual Transition Plan (ITP) with the student and/or parent/guardian prior to the student’s graduation/turning 22.

What is Chapter 688?

Massachusetts Chapter 688 of the Acts of 1983 (also known as the “Turning 22 Law”) stipulates that a student receiving special education, who because of the severity of his or her impairment may require continued disability-related services upon exiting school (by graduating or turning twenty-two years of age, whichever occurs first), shall be offered specific, coordinated transition planning. As such, the statute establishes the Bureau of Transitional Planning (BTP). The primary function of the BTP is to insure that for all students referred under Chapter 688, formal transition planning occurs in accordance with the process and outcomes described in the statute.  

Who is eligible for Chapter 688 Transition Planning?

To be eligible for Chapter 688, a student must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be receiving special education services paid for by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts;

  2. Need continuing adult services at the time of high school graduation/turning 22 due to severity of disability; and

  3. Be unable to work competitively without supports for more than 20 hours/week at the time of leaving school.


A student is automatically eligible for Chapter 688 if he/she is receiving SSI or SSDI, or if he/she is registered with the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB).

"DDS creates, in partnership with others, innovative and genuine opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to participate fully and meaningfully in, and contribute to, their communities as valued members."

DDS Eligibility Services

Essential DDS Transition Information

Department of Developmental Services

MRC Services for Students &Youth

Family Guide to Transition Services

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission

"MRC helps individuals with disabilities to live and work independently. MRC is responsible for Vocational Rehabilitation, Community Living and eligibility determination for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) federal benefits programs."

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"MCB provides the highest quality rehabilitation and social services to Massachusetts residents who are blind, leading to their independence and full community participation."

Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind

Massachusetts Commission for the Blind

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